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  • Content Analysis
    Content analysis is a systematic method used to turn items (mainly texts) into content categories. This method (more usually intended to inform quantitative research) follows explicit rules of coding, and enables large quantities of data to be categorized with relative ease. Content analysis offers a quick, broad overview of data sets, and as such can be used to support (and be corroborated by) other more detailed methods of textual analysis.
  • Evaluative Assertion Analysis
    مشاهده: 590 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

  • Content Analysis
    Content analysis is a systematic method used to turn items (mainly texts) into content categories. This method (more usually intended to inform quantitative research) follows explicit rules of coding, and enables large quantities of data to be categorized with relative ease. Content analysis offers a quick, broad overview of data sets, and as such can be used to support (and be corroborated by) other more detailed methods of textual analysis.
  • Evaluative Assertion Analysis
    This approach, based on work in the 1950s by the psycholinguist Charles Osgood, attempts to map texts and the ... قراءة التالي »
مشاهده: 430 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

An ethnographic approach to document analysis is offered based on principles of qualitative data collection and analysis. It is proposed that numeric as well as narrative data be collected when studying such documents as TV new and movies. Ethnographic content analysis is briefly contrasted with conventi ... قراءة التالي »
الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 438 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

Content analysis is a widely used qualitative research technique. Rather than being a single method, current applications of content analysis show three distinct approaches: conventional, directed, or summative. All three approaches are used to interpret meaning from the content of text data and, hence, adhere to the naturalistic paradigm. The major differences among the approaches are coding schemes, origins of codes, and threats to trustworthiness. In conventional content analysis, coding categories are derived directly from the text data. With a directed approach, analysis starts with a theory or relevant research findings as guidance for initial codes. A summative content analysis involves counting and comparisons, usually of keywords or content, followed by the interpretation of the underlying context. The a ... قراءة التالي »
الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 459 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

Content analysis is a method for summarizing any form of content by counting various aspects of the content. This enables a more objective evaluation than comparing content based on the impressions of a listener. For example, an impressionistic summary of a TV program, is not content analysis. Nor is a book review: it’s an evaluation.

Content analysis, though it often analyses written words, is a quantitative method. The results of content analysis are numbers and percentages. After doing a content analysis, you might make a statement such as "27% of programs on Radio Lukole in April 2003 mentioned at least one aspect of peacebuilding, compared with only 3% of the programs in 2001."

... قراءة التالي »

الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 389 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

Bernard Berelson defined Content Analysis as "a research technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of manifest content of communications" (Berelson, 74). Content analysis is a research tool focused on the actual content and internal features of media.  It is used to determine the presence of certain words, concepts, themes, phrases, characters, or sentences within texts or sets of texts and to quantify this presence in an objective manner. Texts can be defined broadly as books, book chapters, essays, interviews, discussions, newspaper headlines and articles, historical documents, speeches, conversations, advertising, theater, informal conversation, or really any occurrence of communicative language. To conduct a content analysis on a text, the text is coded, or broken down, into manageable categories on a variety of levels--word, word sense, phra ... قراءة التالي »

الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 384 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

نظرية الحقول الدلالية

لم تتبلور فكرة الحقول الدلالية إلا في العشرينات والثلاثينات من القرن العشرين على يد علماء سويسريين وألمان ثم تطور السيمانتيك في فرنسا باتجاه خاص حيث ركز motore وأتباعه (1953) على حقول تتعرض ألفاظها للتغيير و الامتداد و تعكس تطورا سياسيا و اقتصاديا و اجتماعيا هاما.

تبني هذه النظرية ... قراءة التالي »
الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 2589 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

Content Analysis

Annotated Bibliography

Resources On How To Conduct Content Analysis

Beard, J., & Yaprak, A. (1989). Language implications for advertising in international markets: A model for message conten ... قراءة التالي »

الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 948 | أضاف: ibrahim | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

تحليل المضمون

يعرف تحليل المضمون بأنه " الأسلوب الذي يهدف إلى الوصف الموضوعي المنظم الكمي للمحتوى الظاهر للاتصال".

السمات الرئيسية لأسلوب تحليل المضمون
1) يستخدم هذا الأسلوب في وصف محتوى مادة الاتصال لما لهذه المادة من أهمية في مجال البحث الاجتماعي, وقد اقتصر استخدام هذا الأسلوب في بداية الأمر على الأبحاث الصحفية ثم اتسع مجال استخدامه بحيث شمل الكتب والرسائل والخطب والمحادثات والصور وأفلام السينما وبرامج التلفزيون إما في الوقت الحاضر فانه يستخدم في كثير من أبحاث علم النفس والاجتماع ... قراءة التالي »
الفئة: شخصيات كويتية بارزة | مشاهده: 1386 | أضاف: khaled | التاريخ: 2012-Nov-20 | تعليقات (0)

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